In this LAB we will learn how to:- build an executable to be run on the ETS-EVO,
- control the LED on the ETS-EVO front panel.
- basic knowledge of the C programming language,
- Software SDK and associated tools,
- ETS-EVO register mapping1.
Create a new project
Go to the Petalinux installation directory and navigate to software/user-apps folder. Create a new project: petalinux-new-app lab1. This creates an empty project with two important files:
- lab1.c,
- Makefile.
COUNTER_CTRL 0x81400038 Read-write [...] [31..28] output ledsSince the hardware uses a MMU is not possible to directly write to this location, but a mapping has to be done first. A wrapper utility (mmu.c) has been included to handle the internals of this mapping. So the user is able to issue:
*(volatile unsigned long *) MMU_ADDR(0x81400038) = 0xF0000000;to turn on all the LEDs. The mmu.o object has to be added to the Makefile and some additional calls have to be issued to the wrapper utility (do_mmap and do_munmap) in the lab1.c file. For simplicity please overwrite the project folder with the one attached to this document and issue a make command to compile the executable.
Run the executable on the board
Copy the executable to the target board with the command: putftp lab1 (change IP address accordingly). Log in on the board via Telnet (credentials are user: root - password: root). The board will be probably running its default firmware so it is better to temporarily stop it during the lab execution, by running the following commands:
killall microref_loop killall microrefIt is possible to check if the microref executable has been succesfully stopped by issuing a ps command. Now in order to run the freshly built program is necessary to make it executable by issuing:
cd /var/ftp chmod 755 lab1And launch it with:
./lab1You should get an output like this:
/var/ftp # ./lab1 /dev/mem opened. Memory 0x80000000 (size 0x10000000) mapped at address 0x4818b000 HW version: 22 Toggling LEDs.. (press CTRL-C to quit)To stop simply press CTRL-C.
Congratulations! You were successful in running your first custom program on the ETS-EVO board.
We have made available this guide online as pdf and the project used in the LAB.
1 Can be downloaded from ETS-EVO product sheet, documentation tab.