GPS-DR-6 is a high-stability generator of Time and Frequency (PPS, 10 MHz) signals, formed by 2 independ GPS radios. The standard version has 6 independent outputs both for Time and Frequency.
GPS-DR-6 is extremely reliable because both GPS radios are completely independts. Each one of the Time and Frequency outputs is amplified independently, ensuring the electrical insulation. The philosophy behind the GPS-DR-6 is to monitoring constantly both signals coming from the two GPS radios, excluding in case of failure one of the two.
This functionality between both GPS radios ensure the security for short or permanent breaks.
GPS-DR-6 is particularly easy to use both for installation and maintenance. All functions are completely accessible through PC both in local mode, through serial communication RS-232, and in remote mode through communication on ethernet 10/100 with TCP/IP protocol. The equipment provides guidance on its operating status including through the use of 7 dry contact placed on the back of the apparatus. The device allows the remote managing through the use of 4 photo-coupled contact placed on the back of the apparatus. It's fully standardized to SNMP protocol which provides all the informations on the electrical state of the apparatus and of the GPS receiver. It's equipped with double power supply.